Current Employment Statistics
The Current Employment Statistics (CES) program publishes monthly detailed industry data on employment for the State and Alabama Metropolitan Statistical Areas.
For a publication schedule click here.
Select from the following products:
- Alabama Labor Market Newsletter (PDF)
- Statewide, Nonadjusted: Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment for Alabama (PDF)
- Seasonally Adjusted, Statewide: Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment adjusted for Seasonality (PDF)
- Hours and Earnings, Statewide: Hours and Earnings data for Selected Nonagricultural Industries (PDF)
- Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment for the Metropolitan Statistical Areas:
BLS releases (1) Total Private - All Employees, statewide, 3-month average change,
seasonally adjusted and (2) Total Nonfarm - All Employees, statewide and metro areas, 3-month average change,
seasonally adjusted.
Go to
to access this data on the BLS website.
Contact Information
Emerick Davis
Phone/Fax: (334) 956-7435 or
Greta Williams
Phone/Fax: (334) 956-7432
Alabama Department of Workforce
Labor Market Information Division
649 Monroe Street #4427
Montgomery, AL 36131