Workforce Development


Alabama Employer Locator
This tool uses the Business Finder of the CareerOneStop to search for employers by keyword, business name, industry, or occupation. Listings in Business Finder are provided by Data Axle ® and are not reported from the confidential BLS records.

US Census Bureau, Local Employment Dynamics


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LED time series data uses censuses and surveys to provide a broad scope of information. Applications included here are the LED Extract Tool , OnTheMap (OTM), OTM for Emergency Management, and QWI Explorer.

Statewide and Regional Products
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Table of Contents

AlabamaWorks Top 30 Resumes
Commuting Patterns
Industry Change and Distribution
Industry Employment Trend by Age Group
Net Job Change by Industry Sector
Occupational Location Quotients
Projections by Education and Training
Top 40 Claimants by Occupations
Turnover Rates by Industry Sector
Worker Profile

Accelerate Alabama

Accelerate Alabama is a strategic plan developed January 2012 to provide direction for economic development in the state for at least the next three years. Eleven industry clusters were identified as areas of focus for recruitment, retention, and renewal in the state. As a partner agency, the Alabama Department of Labor provides information to support statewide economic development efforts. As a result, The Labor Market Information Division developed a presentation on each industry cluster which provides both trends and the most recent data to assist with the efforts of this initiative. For more information on the Accelerate Alabama plan visit


An overview of each Industry Cluster is provided below:

Corporate Operations
Distribution Logistics
Forestry Products
Information Technology
Metal Manufacturing
Research & Development


Education Career Cluster   

The Labor Market Information Division develops a full profile of industrial and occupational projections in cooperation with the Projections Managing Partnership (PMP). These projections support functional partners across the state and regional areas.

The Alabama Committee on Credentialing and Career Pathways (ACCCP) and related technical advisory committees are responsible for determining career pathways and creating competency-based frameworks for occupations. Specific occupations are determined as in-demand by applying the ACCCP criteria to LMI’s occupational projections.    Demand Methodology (PDF)


  a poster   or   a brochure  from the dropdown box. 


Full Demand Lists and Summary Tables: 
Less Than Bachelor Demand List: 
Fast Growing Demand List: 
Top 25 Demand List: 
HOT 40 Occupations: 

Required Posters for Employer Workplace
Many requests from employers concern the required Alabama Child Labor Law, Workers' Compensation and Unemployment informational posters needed for display in their business.


2022 Alabama State of the Workforce Report   
Statewide and area reports are the collaborative effort of several state agencies and the University of Alabama. Economic analysis is presented by the Center for Business and Economic Research(CBER) and the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR).

2011 Benefits Survey
(PDF) Findings are organized by: insurance, paid leave, retirement, miscellaneous benefits, and cost of benefits. Survey findings are further summarized by industry, region of the state, and by business size.

2011 Green Benefits Survey  
(PDF)  This survey reports benefits offered by employers associated with products or services that improve energy efficiency, expand use of renewable energy, or support environmental sustainability.

Alabama Green Report
(PDF) Reports the extent of the green labor market in plausible energy efficient and renewable energy industries. Additionally, the report identifies occupations and skill requirements characterized as ‘green’ within those industries in Alabama.

Alabama Certifications and Licenses 2019-2023 Report
The State Certifications and Licenses Data, provides data to see relationships that exist between certifications/licenses and several different descriptive variables, such as demographics, occupations, industries, wages, and labor force. Report developed by The Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) and the Labor Market Information Institute.

Alabama Underemployment Forecast
This report presents the results of the first attempt at forecasting underemployment rates in the State of Alabama, Workforce Development Regions, and counties for 2013 through 2018 using past underemployment survey results.

Alabama Underemployment Report
2012 estimates of underemployed and characteristics of employed, underemployed and nonworkers for the state and workforce development areas. Includes the survey questions for underemployed and the results of the questions by area.

A Comparison of 2013 Underemployment Rate Forecasts And Survey Results in Alabama
This report presents a comparison of the 2013 underemployment survey results with the first attempt at forecasting those rates for the State of Alabama, workforce development regions, and counties. 2013 survey results are compared against the forecasted results for 2013.

Business Employment Dynamics(BED)   Interactive Icon
Business Employment Dynamics data are a quarterly measure of gross job gains (expansions and openings) and gross job losses (contractions and closings) and is derived from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.

County Profiles   Updated product label
Alabama counties are detailed based on demographics, labor force data, online resumes by occupation, labor demand, occupational wages, industry employment and trends, and postsecondary education data.

Select from a list of counties or click on the image to select from a map.

Health Care Industry Cluster Report
(PDF) In the design of the ACCELERATE ALABAMA target industry cluster reports, this report provides a vast amount of data on the Healthcare Industry in the state to include; number of employers, size of employers, top occupations, employment trends, projections, and various demographics of workers in the industry. This report will be updated annually.

High Tech in Alabama
(PDF) Based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics standards of High Technology Industries and Occupations, this report displays the dispersion of high tech employment in the State and the Workforce Development Regions (WDR). It concludes with employment projections for these high tech industries and occupations for the State and regions.

The Help Wanted Online Data Series™ fills a critical gap in the current U.S. economic indicators by providing timely monthly measures of labor demand (advertised vacancies) at the national, regional, State and metropolitan area levels. These monthly measures are comparable in timing and geographic detail to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) monthly measures of labor supply (unemployment).  Technical Notes


Employment Projections
The Alabama Labor Market Information Division produces projected employment by occupation and industry for the State and Workforce Development Regions. National Projections are available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections. High Demand, Fast Growing and Detailed Occupations are included in the Employment Projections interactive tables.

Older Worker Report 
(PDF) The Geographic Distribution and Characteristics of Older Workers in Alabama.